Today, we have one day left until 2021. What do you think are the Big issues that occurred in 2020?

I will introduce the unforgettable and unforgettable events to people in 2020. It may not be curious to someone, but I'm glad to tell someone else that people didn't know. From now on, I will introduce the issue that occurred in 2020. 2020 COVID-19 Corona virus Let me explain again for readers who don't know about the coronavirus . Corona viruses can be found including mammals or birds and people like us. The coronavirus can cause fatal respiratory infections in humans or animals, and when infected, cold symptoms occur. However, depending on the host of the virus, it is known to cause both respiratory and digestive infections. The reason why the COVID-19 is so dangerous right now is that it's spreading all over the world. On average, more than 100,000 people around the world have been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus a day by day. Also, an average of 5,000 people died from the coronavirus. More than 110 countries have the coronavirus. Every month...